Although many students groan when I begin to talk about the brain, we must
begin with this handful of pinkish-grey-jelly-like stuff to set the stage for our
exploration of human experience. Where would you be without your brain?
(At that party you went to 2 weeks ago friday???). I urge you
to learn as much as you can about the brain and the synapse. Sure, there
will be questions on the exams related to this BUT, the real reason to know this
stuff is because it will make your life easier when you study subsequent topics
such as learning, motivation, and the treatment of major depression with a
little pill.
Remember, the three main things you should try to understand from this
section are:
1. The big picture: How these simple activities combine to produce thought
and behaviour
2. How a single nerve sends information from one end to the other: (ACTION
3. How one neuron "communicates" or sends information to another neuron (THE
I mentioned I am simplifying this explaination, but here is a video that adds some of the more complex aspect of this story to help you understand some important features that will increase your understanding of how this system allows us to ineteract with and understand the world around us.p>